PA 2014_Birthday on Spaceship
Birthday on Spaceship - Maya

Birthday on Spaceship  /  太空艙生日

This work relates to my thoughts about birthday and space mission. (Please refer to ‘About Kindergarten’ and ‘Imagining Outer Space’.) 

I imagined a scene where two astronauts celebrated their birthday silently in spaceship.

本作源於對生日的印象以及對太空人工作的想像 (可參見「關於幼稚園」及「想像外太空」),創作時我在設想兩位太空人在船艙內寂靜地度過



Birthday on Spaceship - Maya

太空艙生日 - 瑪雅號

80 x 50 cm

Oil on canvas

Birthday on Spaceship - Olga

太空艙生日 - 奧嘉號

80 x 50 cm

Oil on canvas