My mother was diagnosed with cancer in 2013. Severely influenced by cancer, mom could only go for a short walk everyday as walking became uneasy for her. I accompanied Mom and we gazed at the same fountain everyday. I perceived such scene as a still image being unaffected by time. Extending from this visual experince, I aspired to capture the fleeting serenity and re-present the eternally static water through painting.
我的母親在 2013 年確定患上癌症,隨著行動力日漸下降,母親每天僅能往住處附近的社區走動走動,其間我每天陪伴母親坐觀一座噴泉,噴泉的本質循環不息,看來與其說是流動的水,不如說更像一幅靜止而永恆的圖畫。因此,我嘗試藉著畫作,探尋並展現噴泉箇中的時間性。
Still Water
90 x 60 cm
Oil on canvas
Fountain - 10 pm
噴水池 - 晚上十時
Dimensions variable
150 x 80 cm
Oil on canvas
Fountain - 5 am
噴水池 - 早上五時
Dimensions variable
150 x 80 cm
Oil on canvas
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